
Showing posts from June, 2020

Hello Monday

MONDAY TIP: LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR WORK WEEK As you look forward to the work week ahead, what are you thinking? Are you dreading the week that’s just begun, thinking about all the hard work, unpleasant encounters, another week stuck at home or unfinished business? Or are you looking forward to doing great work, making a difference, embracing working from home and having fun with the people around you? Everybody’s work week contains a little of both, and how you feel about the week ahead may mostly depend on which parts of the week you focus on, especially through these challenging times! So your Monday mission is to make a list of all the things you look forward to this week. It can be anything: An exciting meeting, a fun project, your favourite live lesson..... Make a list of at least 5 things you look forward to regarding work this week and write them down on a piece of paper. The very act of making the list may lift your mood and make the week more f

The first proper run around for our dogs

So since we have been locked down, our dogs have not had a proper run around in a park or common. At the weekend we took them to Headley Common which is by far their favourite place.  There are so many places for Rodney to explore, whilst all Denzil wants to do is chase his ball.  Just thought I would share a video of them with you. Author:  Trace Mann

My washer woman dog

My dog Denzil is really prone to getting grass seeds in his ears.  When that happens it is so painful for him and it ends up with an expensive trip to the vets for them to remove it under anaesthetic.  So the answer is an ear protector.  He really looks like a washer woman. Author:  Trace Mann

My dog just loves his cuddles

My dog Rodney absolutely loves his cuddles.  This video below is just to show you what he does every day with daddy to make sure daddy doesn't stop cuddling and stroking him. Author:  Trace Mann

Teddy's paddling pool

Teddy has his own paddling pool but Nikita wanted to see if he would like to swim in the big pool This is swim no 20 today, he loves it.  Author:  Chelsea Taylor

Laine's veggie patch

At the moment, the veggie patch is full of promise of what is to come.  Redcurrants are working on getting their colour, the runner beans are clearly going to be plentiful (possibly one of my most favourite vegetables in late summer), the  beetroot look like they have potential and I will have to choose a pan to ruin when I cook them. Lettuce has already been a feature on our plates for a couple of weeks now, and the potatoes, hopefully, will be ready for digging up in the next week or two.  Carrots, parsnips and French beans are all doing what they are supposed to do too. Watering is done daily, especially with this gorgeous spell we are having and I feed them all once a week. I love our garden and I am very thankful to mother nature for doing her bit too. Author:  Laine Bennet

Monday Motivation - Claire H

Just a short post as I'm going to get things done today!

Couch to 5k has led to a recent 16k run for Sarah!


GBB has taken to cycling everywhere- even if it is to collect takeaways!


Think Tara takes the biscuit, or doughnut in this case


Kate has just completed her 3rd puzzle of lockdown


Gemma has found daily physical exercise a useful remedy for mental well-being


Alongside reigniting her passion for knitting and crochet, Meg has also taken up embroidery


This week’s theme from Team Young is focusing on hobbies/skills that we have had time to do during lockdown

A Hug for Nanny

My adorable little granddaughter Robyn, who is 6, was asked by her teacher what she missed most during lockdown.  Her answer was simply "my nanny", so her teacher helped her make this.  I must confess the words on it made me cry and realise that the little ones in our lives have suffered during these hard times as well as us.  They are incredible little people and deserve so much credit for coping so incredibly well. Author - Jo Nicholson

Melroy get creative with Random Acts of Art

Callie had the fantastic idea for each member of Melroy to send another member a Random Act of Art. Blank postcards were posted and now the decorated ones have started arriving. Gaby still does not know the identity of her sender: And Claire has just received an extra offering from Callie: Keep checking back on the blog as they will be posted up as they arrive!

What keeps me positive - Emma T

When I am going through a slump I push myself to go out for a long walk. That's partly why I have signed up to the 100,000 steps challenge. It gets me out of the house, makes me feel energised and give me time to think and not dwell. I also I am more aware of  what's around me and have started photographing what I stumble upon.

What keeps me positive - Paula L

I've been doing up my garden (my first own garden). Flowers make me happy. I've also been cooking lots. This is the garlic bread I made the other day.

What keeps me positive - Ramon

I have literally played every day since lockdown; something I haven't done since university. When it's me, the piano and my headphones, nothing else matters...

What keeps me positive - Patrick M

Patrick has been keeping the faculty and himself laughing and entertained with many creative short films. "Whilst learning the art of editing for A Level teaching, I decided to create the fictional beer I always wanted to... Buy Raptor Beer. Only £10 a case."

What keeps me positive - Sam B

I've been watching a lot of streamed theatre and reading plays to keep my creativity alive (and keep me sane!) Claire, Paula and the Year 11's in 12 have also been challenged to keep a theatre appreciation journal with the ambition that when we al meet again we can discuss all the brilliant plays we have watched and read!

What keeps me positive - Callie

I'm not very good at sitting and listening. So I have kept myself positive alternating reading and making stuff. I read a bit of nonsense with a bit of the other...

A short film to get you thinking - Alison

Just a Common Soldier A little video I was involved in for armed forces day. Just a Common Soldier

What keeps Melroy (and Flin) Positive in Lockdown?

Following on from Karen's theme of Well-being, Melroy have been thinking about what has kept them positive, happy and well balanced (most of the time) in Lockdown, especially during the later stages when we have all been longing for some kind of normality. To kick us off Flin has been in touch to show us how he's been keeping busy. Go Flin! We definitely envy your neighbours!!

Aspects of self-care

Aspects of self-care Self-care is a personal matter. Everyone’s approach will be different. It relates to what you do at work and outside of work to look after your holistic wellbeing so that you can meet your personal and professional commitments.  Below are the different aspects to self-care and example strategies that other people have found useful: Workplace or professional Physical Psychological Emotional Spiritual Relationships. NOTE: The activities and suggestions below are a guide only and it is important to choose activities that are meaningful to yourself and your own goals. After discovering the different aspects of self-care, complete the self-care plan activity below. Workplace or professional self-care  This involves activities that help you to work consistently at the professional level expected of you. For example: engage in regular supervision or consulting with a more experienced colleague set up a peer-support group be strict with

The Things that keep me on track

Firstly struggling with my mental health is not an easy thing to admit to, especially in the workplace but taking the step to admit it has, in my experience, always given me back some control and always been met with respect and compassion. (nervous deep breath ! ) The following are just some of the things that I've been doing to keep myself "on track" during this time . Being mindful of the little things : When asked how my day had been I used to use the blanket response "just awful !" but keeping a journal of moments in the day that gave me joy or pleasure lifts my mood enormously.  If depression is your thing a moment listening to the birds sing, watching a squirrel nibbling a nut or noticing a child's laughter can give a brief respite from your mood.  All these small moments can add up to a "not so bad" day after all.  It helps me enormously to keep my mood in perspective.  This leads me on to "mindful walking ".  We start

Keeping Positive - Tiana G

One way I have been keeping sane and positive while working from home is by making my work/living spaces bright with fresh and colourful blooms - peonies are in season at the moment and are relatively cheap (compared to Aus)... they are bloomin glorious!   Author - Tiana G